If you’re drinking something while reading this, put it down. If you’re standing up, take a seat. If you’re petting a furry animal, put down the ball of fluff, because what I’m about to say might shock you.
Here it is: this weekend I ate perhaps the best ice cream I have ever had in my entire life.
I know it’s a bold statement, but you guys, this ice cream was like eating a tiny piece of pure joy. What was this magical ice cream store? Da Vinci Ice Cream near the center of the gorgeous medieval town of Bruges. With a range of homemade flavors from Speculoos to Ferrero Rocher, how could I refuse buying a scoop (or two) here? Especially when three separate locals recommended this spot to me. True story: I was walking down an alley (completely lost, mind you), when I eventually shouted, “OH MY GOSH I JUST WANT ICE CREAM!” Yes, I really shouted that. As it turns out, a lady on a bicycle was right behind me; she stopped next to me, asked if I had said ice cream, and then pointed me in the direction of what is now my all time favorite ice cream shop.
I mean, just look at those scoops.
Having declared myself an unofficial ice cream expert, I’ve decided that an unofficially-official ice cream rating system needs to be implemented on my blog. As such, Da Vinci will provide the groundwork for all future ratings.
The Definitive Tall Girl Ice Cream Rating System
Scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest)
Scoop size: 8 –Da Vinci gave real person sized scoops, unlike the miniature ones given in Germany
Creaminess: 9.5–Holy cow this ice cream was creamy
Richness of Flavor: 10–Dark chocolate and Speculoos was a stellar combo
Variety of Flavors: 9–Da Vinci has a large selection, but only certain flavors are put out each day
Price: 8– 1.50 Euro for one scoop
Would I go back and buy another few scoops? In a heartbeat. Unfortunately, there’s the whole issue of “I don’t live in Belgium” stopping me, but Da Vinci will forever live on in my memories.
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? I’m a pretty devout chocolate lover, but have recently become obsessed with hazelnut as well.
Signing off,
PS. I’ll be sharing more on my trip to Brussels/Bruges soon!
Comments & Reviews
I’m astonished.
It was honestly so amazing. And I’ve had friends visit Brugges since then and show me their ice cream photos and everyone agrees that it’s the best ice cream around!
I think you need a cone category though…
Excellent suggestion!!! After all, the cone is essentially the foundation of the whole experience.
I definitely got ice cream at this same exact place! Soooo good.
YES. I tell everyone going to Brugges now about it. I’m slightly obsessed and I’m not even embarrassed about it haha